Charity Intelligence Canada has rated Cornwall Alternative School a 5-star charity, a recognition that underscores our commitment to transparency, efficiency, and impact. Alongside many amazing peer organizations, Cornwall profoundly impacts communities’ needs.

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Support Cornwall Alternative School

At Cornwall Alternative School, we believe in the power of community support. Your involvement is not just important; it’s crucial to helping us continue to make a lasting impact. Here are some ways to support CAS in changing lives and building a better community.

Donations and funding will go towards:

  • Renovations and upgrades to our building
  • Cultural connections for Indigenous youth
  • Activity funding for students
  • Specialized staffing and training programs
  • Daily breakfast and lunch programs
  • Student transportation

CAS is deeply grateful for any and all support! We understand that your time, expertise, and resources are extremely valuable. With your support, we can provide a life-changing program for our community.

Thank You to Our Friends and Partners


Amakon, Woman Empowerment Inc.
Farm Credit Canada
Sask Power
Sask Energy
Regina and District Labour Council
Co-Op Gas Station
The Canadian Tilling Foundation
Community Initiatives Fund
Gold Business Solutions
Gilko Electric
CCR Construction
Peepeekisis Band 81
Access Communications
RIOKK (Regina Institute of Kenpo Karate)

Community Partners

Regina Public Schools
Regina Catholic School Division
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education
Saskatchewan Ministry of Health
Saskatchewan Ministry of Social Services
Following Their Voices
City of Regina
Regina City Police



Ways to Support CAS – 

  • 1. Host a Fundraiser
    CAS hopes for community involvement. Our Regina community is home to excellent and creative minds, each with a unique way to support us. Your creativity is what makes our community special, and we urge you to use it to help us.
  • 2. Monetary or Donations in Kind
    We have an aging infrastructure and need many updates! We hope you can contribute to making our school environment a place that shows care and support for at-risk youth.
  • 3. SARCAN Drop & Go Donations
    Donate at your local SARCAN and support CAS. All you need to do is drop your bottles and cans and designate (CAS50th) Cornwall Alternative School as your donation recipient.
  • 4. Corporate Sponsorship or Partnership
    Corporate partnerships and Sponsorships are needed to ensure the sustainability of our program. If you represent an organization or business, consider becoming a sponsor or contributing through workplace giving programs such as Benevity. Your support directly impacts students and their families to succeed where they have not succeeded before.
  • 5. Legacy Donations
    Include Cornwall Alternative School in your estate planning to leave a lasting impact. A legacy gift can ensure that future generations of students with diverse needs have an education facility that feels like home; this will leave a positive mark on future CAS students.